Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year's Resolutions: Prepping for College

Hello everyone and Happy New Year! It feels so good to be back at it with new content for Chasing College! It seems kind of perfect that I'm starting back up on New Year's Day!! I wanted to do a New Year's Resolutions post for students specific to the grade level you are at.

I've said many times throughout these posts that you can always be working towards your college goals and New Year's Resolutions are no different! Let's get started!!

9th Grade
1. Work Hard  - This seems really silly of a New Year's Resolution, but keep working hard in all of your classes. Set yourself goals, like improving your class participation or your homework completion so that you can set yourself up for success for the rest of the year!

2. Join a Club - If you haven't joined a club in your high school yet, right after Winter Break is a great time to do that. It's a great chance to find your niche in school and continue building your interests.

3. Meet your School Counselor - Set yourself up for success for the next 3.5 years by taking the initiative to meet and talk with your school counselor. Let them know what career path you might want to go down so that they can keep their eye out for any special programs or courses for you in the future.

10th Grade
1. Study - Take your time and study for those tests. Make it a resolution that you will spend a half an hour each night reviewing your notes for all of your classes. This will not only help for tests, but it will also help you with homework and essays in the future.

2. Take on a Leadership Role - Whether your class or a club needs help planning an event or a fundraiser, step up and see how you can help. Even if it is as small as organizing work shifts for a school dance, it will help you spread your wings and put you in a spot for future leadership!

3. Be Nice to your Family - This may not be to prep for college, but I can tell you I was a BRAT when I was in 10th grade, moody, mouthy, and miserable to my family. (I've heard from friends and colleagues that this is common among 10th graders). Because of this, just try to make your life and your family's life just a little bit easier by thinking before you speak ... your parents will be a little more reluctant to have you go on vacation with your bestie this summer ... just saying (not from experience or anything ;) )!

11th Grade
1. Get those Grades Up - Admissions Officers look at your 11th grade year more than anything else. Use this as a chance to make a last ditch effort to improve your grades. Insider Tip: If you don't have the best scores, we do like to see an upward trend in grades, so start studying, participating, and working on your homework. Even if you have to stay after school two nights a week to force yourself to get your homework done, make it your resolution so that you can get into your dream school!

2. Volunteer in your School - Volunteering and community service should always be on your New Year's Resolution list, but use this year as a chance to commit yourself to your school community. Take your study hall and volunteer in an elementary classroom, in the lunch room, with facilities, or in an office. This will put you in a great spot for a terrific letter of recommendation on your heart, commitment, and leadership!

3. Delve into your Career - Meet with your counselor to talk about job shadowing or summer camp opportunities that will look good on your college application, but also help you learn more about your career. Make it a resolution to do something that will help your future self in their career!

12th Grade
1. Take Advantage of Opportunities - You are entering your last six months with the people you've been around for twelve years. Take advantage of every opportunity to go to an away game, attend a concert, be in a play, help out another grade level, work with a teacher after school. Whatever comes in front of you to cherish, take advantage of it, otherwise you will regret it.

2. Challenge yourself - However you define challenge, go ahead and take it. Whether it is taking an AP class, running with the Track team, or learning how to cook in Home Economics, do it! You will thank yourself for getting outside of your comfort zone and learning new things!

3. Step Back and Watch - Especially with your leadership roles, make it your resolution to start stepping back and letting others step up to the plate. If you are president of a club, let that 10th grader come in and help you with some of your responsibilities. It will help them learn to lead under your guidance and you can set the stage for success once you step away. 

I hope that these targeted New Year's Resolutions will get you excited and motivated for 2017 and prepping your life for college! If you want some more ideas for resolutions, check out last year's post here. If there is anything I can do to help or a post on one of the resolutions, comment below! ⇩⇩ Thanks for reading and ...

enjoy the chase,

P.S. Be sure to follow me on all of my social media channels to stay up-to-date on all that is happening at Chasing College and beyond!

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